Our History

Historical background

From humble beginnings: The inception of MCZF-UK

The Methodist Church Zimbabwe Fellowship UK (MCZF UK) was initiated by a group of ten individuals. This group was composed of seven Methodist women from Zimbabwe, and one from the Church of England in Zimbabwe, whose father was a Methodist Minister, and two ‘mother’ advisors who were there to guide the group.

In 2001, a turning point occurred when Mrs Annah Mwadiwa, representing Ruwadzano/Manyano (R/M) women’s organisation from the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe (MCZ), attended the World Federation for Methodist and Uniting Church Women Conference at Loughborough University. Before she departed from Zimbabwe, Mrs Anna Mukandi, the then MCZ R/M Connexional President had proposed that Mrs Annah Mwadiwa could help source some donations to help with the construction of the R/M Resource Centre while in the UK.

Following the conference, Mrs Mwadiwa met Mrs S Chitaukire, a friend and fellow church member at Mabelreign Methodist Church, who introduced her to the Zimbabwe Christian Fellowship (ZCF). ZCF was a group of Zimbabweans who were meeting in London at Walworth Methodist Church. It was in this context, that in 2002, Mrs Getrude Madovi took Mrs Mwadiwa to a ZCF meeting at Walworth Methodist Church. This meeting catalyzes the formation of R/M group in the UK.

A subsequent gathering at Walworth Methodist Church brought together eight women—Anna Kandadara, Nancy Chidawa, Barbara Ngwena, Annette Mashingaidze (ZCF Secretary), Abigail Mukombegumi, Debra Chidakwa, Getrude Madovi, and Annah Mwadiwa—and two mother advisors, Gogo Anna Chidawa and Gogo Jessie Kadandara, to discuss the possibility of forming a R/M group. This discussion led to a meeting at Mrs Annette Mashingaidze’s house in Essex, where the decision to establish the group was finalised.

The primary goal of this group was to fundraise for the Women’s Resource Centre in Epworth, Zimbabwe. Inspired to give and determined to achieve the goal, each member committed to contributing £30.00, with £20.00 allocated to the building fund and £10.00 for the group’s activities in the UK.

In the spirit of evangelism, the meeting at Mrs Mashingaidze’s house attracted more women, as the original eight had invited others. To spearhead this initiative, a Steering Committee was set up. This Committee was chaired by Mrs Anna Mwadiwa, with Mrs Gladys Chingoka as Secretary and Mrs. Getrude Madovi as Treasurer. The group kept the then R/M President in Zimbabwe, Mrs. Anna Mukandi, updated on their progress. From 2002 to 5th July 2003, the group operated successfully and grew both spiritually and in numbers as a women’s fellowship R/M.

By the grace of God, the MCZF-UK was officially launched as a Fellowship on July 5th, 2003, by the then MCZ Bishop, Revd Cephas Z Mukandi, at Forest Gate Methodist Church. Ms Debra Chidakwa (now Revd Dr Debra Chidakwa-Akue) played a crucial role in securing the venue due to her deep involvement with the church. To note at the Forest Gate meeting, was Mr Naboth Muchopa, a Zimbabwean working within the MCGB Social Justice team. Mr Muchopa played a crucial role in guiding the Fellowship to align with the structure of Fellowships within MCGB. While the process of stationing a Chaplain was underway, Revd Robert Mpanduki, now a retired minister in the MCGB Conference, Evangelist Russell Dhauya, the late Mr Ellison Kamupira, a United Methodist Evangelist, and many other ministers and lay leaders whom we invited to come and share with us, supported the Fellowship in the absence of a dedicated minister. To shepherd God’s people in the diaspora, the MCZ Bishop approved Revd Dr Solomon Zwana and Revd Brian Magadzire, who were in Scotland and Durham respectively for further studies, to support the Fellowship. Both took active roles in this effort.

The first Fellowship conference took place in 2004 at Sayers Croft, presided over by the then Bishop Revd Cephas Z Mukandi. The first Chaplain, Revd George Mawire (the current MCZ Presiding Bishop), was stationed to the Fellowship in 2005, with Mrs Pelagia Mawire becoming the first UK Ruwadzano/Manyano President, taking over from Mrs Kiliana Nzira who was the R/M chair from 2003.

The MCZF UK was established to support the work of the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe (MCZ), encourage members to participate in their local churches in the UK, and preserve the cultural traditions of the Zimbabwean Methodist Church. The Fellowship has since taken on the role of uniting all Zimbabwean Methodists in the United Kingdom.

The formation of MCZF UK was supported by various individuals and churches within the Methodist Church in Great Britain (MCGB). Special mentions go to Mr Naboth Muchopa, Mr Roy Crowder, Mr Mike King, Rev Norman Griggs, and Mrs Ruth Quine, among others, for their valuable contributions.

This brief account of the MCZF UK's formation history may not capture all those who played significant roles in its establishment. We acknowledge and deeply appreciate their invaluable contributions. We thank God’s faithfulness.

Former Chaplains and National Stewards





 1. Acting Chaplain Revd Dr Clement Matarirano

 December 2022 to present

 Mr Noah Dodo

 2022 to present

 2. Chaplain Revd Dr Jimmy Dube

 2020 to present

 Mr Fidelis Chinyama


 3. Revd Cleopas Sibanda


 Mr Gabriel Gidi


 4. Revd Adam Nyawo


 Mr David Makumbe


 5. Revd George Mawire


 Mr Zvichemo Mugadza




 Mrs Anna Mwadiwa




 Mrs Monica Sibindi




 Mrs Anna Mwadiwa
